1987 Toyota 4 Runner Fuel Pump Relay Location . Having problems with fuel pump not kicking on, put new fuel pump in has gas but no power to it, I know where the efi relay is but where is the cor relay, and if there are others that I missed. Each part has high-quality direct replacement electrical. Numbchux' 1987 4Runner Build-Up Thread - Page 4 - YotaTech ... (Dennis Patrick) INNOVA Fuel Pump Shut Off System (Gasoline Engine Only). On running, the engine will close the fuel pump switch in the volumn airflow completing the circuit to continue holding in the Circuit Opening relay. Intermotor® is a complete engine management import line that includes ignition and electrical relays, switches and sensors with. The top countries of supplier is China, from which the. fuel pump relay location. Trying to release the pressure from fuel line in order to take all injectors out. fuel pump relay location ? Toyota 22r fuel pump...